World’s Freest Economy with No Capital Control

Hong Kong has been consistently ranked top on economic freedom and competitiveness. The free flow of capital within, into and out of Hong Kong is guaranteed under Article 112 of the Basic Law. Business in Hong Kong also benefits from free flow of information and people.
- Freest economy: World’s No.1 since 1996 (Fraser Institute, Canada), World’s No. 1 (1996-2019)(US-based Heritage Foundation)
- Economic openness: World’s No.1 (Legatum Institute: Global Index of Economic Openness 2019)
- Business-friendly taxes: World’s No.2 business-friendly tax system (PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the World Bank Group: Paying Taxes 2020)
- Competitiveness: Among the world’s top 5 (International Institute for Management Development: World Competitiveness Yearbook 2020); Worlds’ No.3, East Asia & Pacific’s No.2 for global competitiveness (World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2019)
- Easiest place to do business: Worlds’ No.3 (World Bank: Doing Business 2020)
Client Testimonial“ With the ease of free trade policy and open business environment, Hong Kong has always been on the top of our list. ”
Philippa Kerr
General Manager, Eat the Kiwi